However, you're grouped with circle members and that gives you a bit of a bonus for playing in a more structured and social way. Since you've grouped, you now earn Renown for just playing socially. You group up and start in on questing and low level dungeons to raise your Renown to where the guild is attainable. Let's speculate a bit on how Renown and the bonuses will work. It's launch day and you and four friends who you want to eventually create a guild with log in and immediately make a Circle. I think it will be safe to wager that we'll see Renown bonuses based on who you're grouping with and what tier of social interaction you're participating in: Group, Grouped with Circle, Grouped with Guild. Guilds will be much like what we're used to seeing in other MMOs.
Circles sound like they'll work similar to their Google Plus namesake organized friends lists where people are grouped in to categories like "Dungeons" or "PVP". Groups are what we're used to in current MMOs. Now in WildStar, there is a couple different levels of social interaction. There will also be a Guild Currency that will likely be used for things like Warplots and other guild level purchases. As of right now, the only thing we know about this social currency known as "Renown", is that it will be used to purchase your guild charter. In the upcoming MMO from Carbine, WildStar, you will also accrue a social currency. Grouping is inherently rewarding because you are able to complete dungeons, raids, and some of the more difficult quests. The idea of rewarding group play in MMOs is not a new concept. At the same time, it could also set up some spectacular world PVP sessions.Ī 'Killed/Killed By' tally on the Rivals List should be included, but if not, I'm certain it will be an addon by the end of the first week of OBT. Knowing how many guild or circle members a Rival has online or in the same zone could save you from a gank gone wrong or hours of griefing. I can't see something like mini map arrows or markers being something that comes standard, but possibly through an addon or two. Your Rivals List should tell you at least what zone those players are in. There's a lot of really cool things Carbine can include with this system and some even cooler things that I'm sure addon gurus will be able to add over time. We can assume that this will work like a Friends' List, but for people you really like to fight (or gank) in PVP.

One of particular instance for PVPers is the inclusion of a 'Rivals List'.

In last Wednesday's CB3 patch notes for WildStar, we got some tasty info drops.